Saturday, July 9, 2011

epitome of audacious


Mr. Everyman lands lead role in new Broadway Musical, "Stop the World".

"As a wee little boy, I can vividly remember looking skyward and speaking directly to the stars. "Oh, starry sky, I so wish to play Mr. Everyman when I grow up that if my wish ever comes to pass, I shall, ever there after, dedicate my life to speaking up, and giving voice, to the hopes and prayers for everyman (and every woman). I shall give voice to the hopes, their very Dreams for hope, peace, love and joy in the world...and, more particularly, to grant equal opportunity for children the world over to cast their dreams into their very own starry sky."

one voice


Christina Taylor Green (9/11/2001 - 1/8/2011)

"I just want her memory to live on, she's a face of hope, a face of change," she said. "Stop the violence, stop the hatred." Mother quote

A life bracketed by two national tragedies: born on the day (9/11/2001) of the bombing of the Twin Towers in New York; died on the day (1/8/2011) of the tragic shootings in Tucson, Arizona.

All of us - we should do everything we can to make sure this country lives up to our children's expectations. Obama quote

Obama Arizona Speech: 'I Want America To Be As Good As She Imagined It'

Little Man remembers this take-away from the 25th re-union of the RHS class of '61:

no matter the changes in our appearance...we sounded exactly as we did in HS. I could listen and recognize the voice that is unique where-as appearance seemed to take on a more generic hue;

our own voice sounds like it belongs to anyone except the person that created it...

when we begin talking 2 ourselves are we trying to identify who it is that has been

using our voice all these years

as we can surgically remove out finger prints, can we surgically alter the sound of our voice

THE ABOVE: musical titled, Stop the World, and follows Little Everyman ...
great music...For Once in A lifetime...